Finding Freedom in a CRASH

Stephen King begins a story with a main character who felt that life was smiling at her. She was mistaken, he writes, Life was actually baring its teeth, ready to bite her. That is the nature of life. It hits us hard at the times we least expect it. There is always a deep and […]

Pre-Order The Holy Nomad (September ’12) – And A Brief Blog-Holiday

Surfing through titles at the other day, I was surprised to see my upcoming book The Holy Nomad: The Rugged Road to Joy (September 2012 release) up and available for pre-order! (Here isthe book cover and the Amazon link, if you are interested in ordering a copy ahead of time). I had the chance […]

Play Like You Belong

My friend Chet and I looked at our upcoming books in an on-line catalogue the other day discussing how surreal and out of place we felt to see our names there. My book is surrounded by pages of talented and seasoned authors : best-selling writers that I imagine don’t plunk words on an old laptop […]