WHY I’M “GONE FISHING” (& You Should Be Too)

The other day, I posted a note on my office door as a reminder to myself that has been encouraging through my good days of work and ESPECIALLY through the bad. The sign read: “Gone Fishing.” Now, for most of us, the phrase “gone fishing” sounds like “gone on vacation,” but my sign actually has […]
Saving Yourself From a “Burned-out” Christmas (Busted Halo.com)
I think many of us feel like an old string of burned-out Christmas lights this time of year. What should be a time of joy can be dimmed by stress and busyness. It is often a time when the darkness of our grief and loneliness can seem insurmountable: We feel artificial, worn out, “lightless.”
‘WTH’ Are We REALLY Saying? (in Church)
I was at dinner with an older couple at an authentic Mexican restaurant near my house where most of the wait-staff is Spanish speaking. The meal they ordered came to the table and the scene that ensued was comedic. As my elderly friend strained to explain his problem to a passing busboy (who did not […]