“Is it well?”

Frederick Buechner wrote, “Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.” At times it seems that the “terrible” looms a bit larger than the beautiful. The news has been as chaotic and unpredictable as the surge of a hurricane. Each sad report seems to be followed by a slow pull […]

Why Terror was Defeated on September 11th

After viewing some of the 9/11 memorial coverage, I grabbed Bruce Springsteen’s album The Rising and listened to it on my drive to work. One of the songs titled, “Into the Fire” was written (at least I assume) in the perspective of a loved one who lost a firefighter in the Towers that day: The […]

Saving My Burned Out Christmas Lights

I have heard hundreds of sermons over the course of my life and attended a handful of Advent services. As I consider all of these messages, from the magical to the mundane, I can honestly say that few have left me with the practical day-to-dayadvice one pastor imparted when he pulled a “plastic gun” from […]