When the Good News Makes for Good News

In a media culture that incessantly pushes the latest market dive or the impending death of some evil dictator to the forefront of their headlines, it is refreshing to read something hopeful and uplifting. There just isn’t enough reported about people of faith actually living the Good News. More often than not, the “religious” garner […]

The Story Behind publication of The Mockingbird Parables

I set out to tell the long story of finding a publisher for my first book several weeks ago with hopes that it might provide encouragement for inspiring writers, entertainment for readers of The Mockingbird Parables and enlightenment for anyone interested in the (sometimes complicated) process of publishing a book. We still aren’t certain of […]

A CNN Religion Op-Ed on Spiritual Lessons from Lee’s Novel & News about a special interview this Friday with the author of bestselling books – Mockingbird and I Am Scout

Fans of To Kill a Mockingbird will not want to miss the special guest on this coming Friday’s edition of “Five Good Answers.” Best-selling author Charles Shields,who wrote biographies of Harper Lee – Mockingbird and I Am Scout, was kind enough to spend some time answering questions here onthe blog. He talks alittle about To […]