An Interview with Charles J. Shields, Author of New York Times Bestseller – Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee
Charles J. Shields’s masterful biography, Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee, was a New York Times Bestseller during the summer of 2006 and is currently in its 8th printing. Shields spent years researching and writing the biography of Harper Lee. He is a former English teacher who taught To Kill a Mockingbird for a number […]
A CNN Religion Op-Ed on Spiritual Lessons from Lee’s Novel & News about a special interview this Friday with the author of bestselling books – Mockingbird and I Am Scout
Fans of To Kill a Mockingbird will not want to miss the special guest on this coming Friday’s edition of “Five Good Answers.” Best-selling author Charles Shields,who wrote biographies of Harper Lee – Mockingbird and I Am Scout, was kind enough to spend some time answering questions here onthe blog. He talks alittle about To […]