Play Like You Belong
My friend Chet and I looked at our upcoming books in an on-line catalogue the other day discussing how surreal and out of place we felt to see our names there. My book is surrounded by pages of talented and seasoned authors : best-selling writers that I imagine don’t plunk words on an old laptop […]
The Sacredness of “No” in a “Yes” World
We live in a “yes” culture. Winners say “yes.” Elections are won with chants of “Yes, we can.” “Yes”-men seem to have thejob security. “Yes” gets us the attention we crave. We are conditioned that “yes” is always an appropriate answer… One of my favorite songwriters wrote about his conflict of having to decide betweenoccupations: […]
Feeling Like a Counterfeit? (Your Probably Doing Something Right)
I found an old t-shirt of my sisters who passed away several years ago in the bottom of a box of keepsakes her husband gave us when he remarried. It was one of her favorite shirts to wear when she was bumming around – a grey PT shirt with ARMY emblazoned across the front. I […]