I’ve gone back to do final revisions on a chapter about justice in my new book this week. The chapter is called “Free Trade Coffee and Jesus Tattoos”. This new book has been a tough one to write at times. There is nothing like wrestling with Jesus’ mission statement to send you running to the mirror to take a long look at your reflection. We have been spending time at my house reconsidering things lately: from jobs, finances and church to how we spend our free time. Without being intentional about justice, we can unknowingly be consumed with the anesthesia of our safe suburban lives. Those numbing agents include: mortgage payments (to support the extra living space we really don’t need), PTA meetings (to keep our finger on the pulse and have some sway in the outcome of our child’s education), kids’ sporting events (because everyone’s kid is headed for an athletic college scholarship), the hunting and gathering of aimless consumerism (like that LCD flat-screen that will complete my living room entertainment ensemble); oh, and church, (where we dress up on Sundays to attend a service that allows us to feel better about ourselves, our lives, our politics and what we do with ourabundant wealth for a moment). I posted a portion of Holocaust survivor Eli Weisel’s powerful thoughts about the danger of indifference the other week. (https://mattlitton.com/2011/01/06/is-indifference-our-obstacle-to-true-community/) I am not meaning to sound harsh about suburbia — it is genuinely where I live — all these things are normal, harmless, and rather unintentional. With the theme of intentionally fighting indifference in mind — I’d like you to check out what Relevant Magazine is doing: http://www.relevantmagazine.com/reject-apathy
I’d really like to hear from you! What have you been doing in your life to reject apathy, to be intentional about making a difference in the world?
Fighting apathy—such an important idea for those of us who live comfortable lives. It is, truly, a fight. Our comfort may not be the blessing we think it is. Most of the time I allow myself to believe that doing nothing is not wrong, but in the cold light of day, I know that I owe others a good solid chunk of myself: money, time, and thought. Thanks for writing on this topic.